Top 5 Tips When Preparing Your Will

February 17, 2019

While it is understandable to want to push off preparing your will, it is a necessary part of ensuring your assets do not end up in the wrong hands. Because preparing for the distribution of your belongings may seem daunting, the will and estate planning attorneys at Rodier Family Law offer five tips to consider…

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Spousal Spying: What to Do If You Think Your Ex is Spying on You

January 30, 2019

While new technological advancements in this digital age are surely exciting, with them comes this unfortunate reality: it is now easier than ever to keep track of the people in our lives. This is especially true in instances of separation and divorce—spouses have access to a wide variety of mobile applications, tracking devices, spyware and…

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Co-Parenting Strategies: How to Handle Visitation During the Holidays

December 12, 2018

The holidays are an important time to spend with family and loved ones, but complications can arise when a divorced couple is trying to navigate visitation during these times. If possible, finding an equitable way for children to spend time with both their biological mother and father during the holiday season can be extremely valuable…

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Seeking Therapy During Divorce

December 10, 2018

Seeking therapy during divorce is one of many important actions spouses can take to help a divorce progress as smoothly and amicably as possible. Here, the family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss some key points regarding therapy and divorce. Therapy can Be an Effective Tool for Coping with Divorce Divorce can cause spouses…

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What If My Spouse is Hiding Assets? What to Know About Hidden Assets in Divorce

November 28, 2018

Even though hiding assets during divorce proceedings is improper, it does occasionally occur. Fortunately, divorce attorneys, with the assistance of financial professionals such as forensic accountants, are often able to detect signs of fraud or deception, and hidden assets can sometimes be revealed. Here, the divorce attorneys at Rodier Family Law provide information on hidden…

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What to Know About Custody & Child Support; an Infographic

November 26, 2018
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New Maryland Gun Laws Impact Protective Orders and Victims of Domestic Abuse

November 26, 2018

New gun laws, which went into effect on October 1st, 2018, will have a direct impact on victims of domestic abuse and those who file a protective or peace order against a spouse. Here, the family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss these new laws, including Extreme Risk Protective Orders (ERPO), and the potential…

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Contested Vs Uncontested Divorce; An Infographic

October 18, 2018
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Estate Planning 101; An Infographic

October 18, 2018
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The Five Questions You Should Be Asking Your Divorce Attorney

October 18, 2018

A divorce is a stressful, time-consuming and often costly event—that is why it is essential to have a trustworthy divorce attorney on your side during the process. In order for the process of a divorce to run as smoothly as possible, you should have your important questions answered by your divorce attorney before the process…

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